KhNUGH named after Beketov


Comuter science and information technology from 2000$

Automation and information technology from 1600$

KhNUE named Kuznetc

Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця Хнеу

Comuter science 1400 $

Cybersecurity 1400$

Software Engineering 1400$

POLYTECHNIKA named Kondratyuk


Telecommunications and radio                    engineering from 1800$

Computer Science 1800$

Computer Engineering from 1800$

Higher IT education in Ukraine for foreign students

If you want to study abroad and are looking for a company that deals with the placement of foreign students at a university, then you have found what you were looking for.

We work with the best universities in Ukraine to prepare foreign students (from Ghana, Nigeria, Morocco, Cameroon, Ethiopia, etc.). This section provides information about the study of IT and computer science.

There are best study abroad programs from language preparatory, bachelor, masters degree, postgraduate and mbbs.

You also can choose the language in which you will study subjects, for example, you can study IT in English in Ukraine.

For free consult write us in WhatsApp.

Only actuality information about admission IT in Ukraine for 2021/2022 year.

© Higher education in Ukraine 2020-2020